Postgres Weekly |
Issue 84 December 3, 2014
PostgreSQL’s Powerful New Join Type: LATERAL |
The last version of Postgres picked up a new join type – Lateral. However it’s not the most simply explained or easy to follow, but Heap analytics does a good job of it with a great example of how you’d use it.
Dan Robinson |
Know Your Postgres Backup and Recovery |
30% of Postgres users studied in our recent research would have been slow or unable to recover from failure. 43% could not execute a point-in-time recovery, and some had NO backup in place. Don’t let this be you. Invest a few hours learning important backup and recovery techniques, so you can re-evaluate your recovery requirements and use appropriate strategies and procedures.
EnterpriseDB Sponsored |
When Postgres Will Not Start |
Sometimes Postgres crashes, this isn’t the end of the world you simply restart it. When it doesn’t restart right away is when you start to worry. Here’s an awesome post to keep in the back of your pocket for these disaster situations of what steps to follow.
Endpoint |
Have Some (Referential) Integrity with Foreign Keys |
Rails out of the box will help you to create foreign key references in the application layer, but doesn’t often enforce this at the data layer. Fortunately this isn’t to hard to put in and gain a better sense of security for your data.
Thoughtbot |
PagerDuty analytics with Postgres |
Use PagerDuty but want to better analyze your data? Here’s a tool from Stripe, and more specifically a former colleague @mmcgrana, which will sync your PagerDuty data into a Postgres DB for ease of querying.
Stripe |