Postgres Weekly |
Issue 60 June 4, 2014
A Better ID Generator For PostgreSQL |
It’s clear that integers aren’t always the best choice for IDs for a database. UUIDs are generally accepted as pretty reasonable, but this article goes a little bit further if you’re planning to shard and scale.
Rob Conery |
PGCon 2014 Unconference: A Community |
Never been to pgcon (the small conference of Postgres community hackers)? Or furthermore, never been to the unconference (which follows), comprised of mostly key community members? Here’s a great recap of the experience and why you should be there next year.
Shaun M. Thomas |
Table Partitioning and Foreign Keys |
Partitioning, in particular table partitioning and foreign keys don’t always play so friendly. At the same time both can be important. Here’s a deeper dive into working with the two, and the considerations that need to be kept in mind.
keithf4 |
Postgres 9.4 Feature Highlight: Logical Replication Receiver |
Postgres 9.4 comes with a foundation of logical replication, but to take full advantage you need to do a little extra work. Here’s a blog post that takes you further in how to take advantage of the foundation that’s been laid in the upcoming release.
Michael Paquier |
Foreign Keys are Not Free |
Foreign keys can drastically affect table performance. Here’s a quick look at why this is so with PostgreSQL in particular.
Shaun M. Thomas |
Heroku Postgres - Fully managed Postgres on EC2 |
Heroku Postgres is the worlds largest provider of Postgres as a Service, offering fully managed databases on top of EC2. Get started today for free and scale easily as your application needs to.
Heroku Sponsored |
Django/Postgres News: Arrays Merged |
A few months back a Kickstarter was funded to make Postgres much better in Django. Here’s a big step forward with native array support now committed.
Marc Tamlyn |