#​568 — September 4, 2024

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Postgres Weekly

Top 3 Features in Postgres 17 — As we continue our final approach towards Postgres 17, likely to land later this month, Neon reflects on improvements to MERGE, improved JSON functions, and performance improvements. EDB wrote up its own list of Postgres 17 enhancements too, with incremental backup support topping their list.

Anastasia Lubennikova (Neon)

💡 Talking of Postgres 17, it appears release candidate 1 of Postgres 17 lands this week. No announcement yet, but watch this space..

Master PostgreSQL Extensions: Pgvector, Citus, TimescaleDB — Unlock the full potential of PostgreSQL with our expert-led webinar series on Pgvector, Citus, and TimescaleDB. Learn integration, scaling, and best practices to optimize your database performance. Watch now to elevate your PostgreSQL game!

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The 2024 State of PostgreSQL Survey is Now Open — Timescale’s popular annual community survey is open once again. You can take it here and it closes on Monday, September 30. If you’re hungry for some stats now, you can check out the 2023 survey’s results here.



📄 How to Test a PostgreSQL Commitfest Patch in Kubernetes Gabriele Bartolini

📄 VACUUM: Managing and Detecting Bloat Hans-Jürgen Schönig

🛠 Code and Tools

pg_stat_monitor 2.1: Query Performance Monitoring Tool — Along similar lines to pg_stat_statements but promises to be a ‘more advanced replacement.’ One particularly neat feature is the bucketing of statistics by time, enabling more finessed use of the data collected. GitHub repo.


Pigsty v3.0: An Extension-Rich Postgres DistributionPigsty is a Postgres distribution that promises ‘batteries included’. It offers an RDS-like platform but to deploy as you wish. It now lets you easily install 336 further extensions as well.

Ruohang Feng

pg_hint_plan 1.7: Tweak Query Execution Plans with 'Hints' — Postgres’ query planner usually does a good job of figuring out how to best execute a query against your data, but when it needs a little extra push in the right direction, this lets you drop some hints. With v1.7, Postgres 17 support has been added.

NTT OSS Center DBMS Development and Support Team

📰 Classifieds

Indexing dragging you down? Sign up for Redgate’s 10 September webinar, PostgreSQL 101: Indexing, to learn tips, tricks, and best practices.

Blacksmith runs GitHub Actions up to 2x faster at half the cost with a one-line change. Trusted by 100+ companies like Ashby and Slope.

PgCat 1.2: Modern Postgres Pooler and Proxy — Built in Rust, PgCat offers support for sharding (including, experimentally, based upon SQL syntax), load balancing and failover support.


pg_easy_replicate Now Supports Schema Change Tracking During Logical Replicationpg_easy_replicate makes it easy to set up logical replication and perform minimal downtime switchovers between primary database servers. It now supports DDL change tracking too.

Shayon Mukherjee