#​567 — August 28, 2024

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Postgres Weekly

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon - Postgres Style — Given two random actors, could you join those actors within six steps through other actors that have co-starred in movies together? That’s the game of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon and Paul sets out to see if Postgres can tackle the task of finding such connections.

Paul Ramsey

Why I Always Use Postgres Functions For Everything — There are numerous schools of thought on the roles of functions in production databases, so many of you may disagree with the author. Nonetheless, he explains why he appreciates the encapsulation and abstraction that user defined functions provide.

Vedran Bilopavlović

Free Guide: Boost Postgres Performance by 3x — Drawing from proven practices honed tuning thousands of databases, we walk you through the process to achieve a 3x performance boost in your Postgres databases while reducing disk data load by 500x.

pganalyze sponsor


How to Create a Postgres FDW with WebAssembly — Foreign data wrappers (FDWs) provide a way to give Postgres powers to query external data sources as if they were local tables. Using the Rust-based Wrappers FDW framework, you can create WebAssembly powered FDWs which can be dynamically deployed at runtime.


Postgres Webhooks with pgstream — A look at a use case for the pgstream change data capture tool: calling webhooks based upon Postgres data and schema changes.

Tudor Golubenco

Understanding pgvector's HNSW Index Storagepgvector is widely used for implementing vector similarity search features in Postgres, but how are its indexes stored under the hood?

Varik Matevosyan

📄 Why Postgres is a Viable Alternative to Oracle – I doubt any Postgres Weekly readers need convincing of this, but if you know anyone who does.. Umair Shahid

📄 Easy to Overlook Postgres Performance Issues in Ruby on Rails Apps Paweł Urbanek

📄 Why Postgres 17's Incremental Backup Feature is a Game-Changer David Wagoner and Tim Boutin

📄 Build a Fully Local RAG App with Postgres, Mistral, and Ollama Haziqa Sajid (Timescale)

📰 Classifieds

Discover PostgreSQL sessions and a dedicated Learning Pathway at PASS Data Community Summit, November 4-8, 2024 in Seattle.

Dragonfly (25k GitHub stars) is a modern Redis replacement. Organizations that switch to Dragonfly can reduce infrastructure costs by 80%.

🛠 Code and Tools

Prisma 5.19.0: The JS ORM Now with 'Typed SQL'Prisma is a popular declaratively-driven ORM in the Node.js / TypeScript world and its new version makes it possible to write raw SQL queries in a type-safe way.

Nikolas Burk

pgMonitor: An Open Source Monitoring Extension — pgMonitor is the name of a Postgres metrics tracking tool Crunchy Data has maintained for years, but it’s now available as an open source extension too.

Keith Fiske (Crunchy Data)