#247 — March 14, 2018

Read on the Web

Postgres Weekly

Three Database Modelling Anti-Patterns — Looking into some classic anti-patterns: entity attribute values, multiple values in a single column, and how using UUIDs can be an anti-pattern too.

Dimitri Fontaine

Postgres, The Most Loved RDBMS — StackOverflow’s 2018 survey results are out. Postgres is the ‘most loved’ relational database (though Redis pips it).

Simon Riggs

Real-Time Postgres Performance Monitoring — Collect out-of-the-box and custom Postgres metrics and correlate them with data from across your distributed infrastructure and applications. Gain real-time performance insights and set intelligent alerts with Datadog. Try it free.

Datadog sponsor

Migrating Production from MariaDB Galera to Postgres and Patroni — A thorough explanation of a major migration from MariaDB using Galera, a multi-master clustering system, to Postgres using the Patroni high-availability toolkit.

Raphael Michel.

What Full-Text-Search Has to Do with VACUUM — You might think they’re very separate topics but this post demonstrates how vacuuming can affect the performance of GIN indexes used by FTS.

Hans-Jürgen Schönig

Patching Plain Postgres for Parallel PostGIS Plans — Stock Postgres 10 with PostGIS 2.4 doesn’t parallelize spatial queries well but it’s possible to improve things with some tinkering.

Paul Ramsey

Creating a Data Redaction Capability to Meet GDPR Requirements — The General Data Protection Regulation is a new EU law for data protection.

Marc Linster and Renee Deger

Register Now: Postgres Vision 2018

EnterpriseDB sponsor

New Features for Sequences in PG 10: Gains and Pitfalls

Laurenz Albe

Migra: Postgres Migrations Made Almost Painless — It’s like ‘diff’ but for Postgres schemas and can help make migration systems easier to build.

Robert Lechte

vipsql: A Vim Plugin for Interacting with 'psql'

Martin Gammelsæter

20 Years and Still Strong: Postgres Services & Support

Command Prompt, Inc. sponsor

pg_listen: Trigger A Shell Command from NOTIFYMore on NOTIFY, if you’re not familiar.

Joe Nelson


PGConf UK 2018 July 2- 3 (London) Will be held on July 3, with an optional training day on July 2, and will be hosted at 30 Euston Square.

pgDay Israel 2018 March 19 (Tel Aviv, Israel) For the second time in Israel PostgreSQL enthusiast from all over the world join together to share their knowledge and experience with existing and/or potential developers and users of PostgreSQL

Postgres Vision 2018 June 5-6 (Boston, USA) Postgres in the Cloud - Front and center at Postgres Vision 2018.

PGDay.IT 2018 June 28 - 29 (Pacengo di Lazise, Italy) The Italian conference dedicated to PostgreSQL.

PGConf.de April 13 (Berlin, Germany) Covering topics for PostgreSQL users, developers, and interested parties, as well as policy makers.

Golden Oldies ✨

Postgres Domain Integrity In Depth — Ways to keep your data ‘squeaky clean’ by way of integrity constraints.

Joe Nelson

Getting Started with JSONB — Some basics to using Postgres’s powerful binary JSON datatype.

Craig Kerstiens

▶  30 Minutes of Ruby and PostgreSQL Database Tricks

Barrett Clark