Postgres Weekly Issue 82
November 19, 2014
Aggregating Ranges in Postgres
Postgres’ ranges are both awesome and powerful out of the box, but sometimes you want to go beyond their base features. In this deep dive we get to see how to aggregate ranges together to perform more complex computations across different records.
Matthew Schinckel
When LIMIT Attacks
Limits are meant to give you a limited subset of results, therefore being more performant than returning… well all the results. But sometimes it doesn’t quite work that way.
Christophe Pettus
Making PostgreSQL scale Hadoop-style: Benchmark numbers
Scalable SQL solutions like Impala and SparkSQL have been in the spotlight recently. Read how CitusDB delivers superior SQL query performance and reliability while enabling you to use familiar Postgres clients, extensions and tools. To get a quick overview of how CitusDB scales Postgres see our video.
Citus Data  Sponsored
PGConf.EU 2014 - Feedback Is In
While you may not have made it to PGConf EU the feedback posted about the conference is nice and transparent, but also helpful for keeping an eye out for great talks and slides.
Magnus Hagander
Dear PostgreSQL: Where Are My Logs?
Postgres’ logging functionality is flexible in the ways it works and locations it can log to. Here’s a great primer on what the options are and taking better advantage of your Postgres logs.
Joshua Tolley
Fast Pagination On PostgreSQL
If you’re like everyone else who implements pagination for the first time, you’ll realize the default approach of limit/offset isn’t the best for performance. Here’s a better way to have performant pagination in your application.
Chris Done
Postgres 9.5 Feature Highlight: BRIN Indexes
A narrow, but effective, type of index coming to Postgres 9.5 is BRIN indexes. These indexes make the case of min/max and do so within some set of ranges very effective, here’s a look at size and performance of them.
Michael Paquier