#​565 — July 31, 2024

Web Version

🏖️ Just a quick note to say that we're taking the next two weeks off for a summer vacation. We'll be back with our next issue on Wednesday, August 21.
Peter Cooper, your editor

Together with  pgAnalyze

Postgres Weekly

pg_statviz: Time Series Analysis and Visualization of Postgres Stats — An extension and utility pair for performing time series analysis and visualization of various stats around things like I/O, locks, WAL, and buffer use. The new v0.7 release adds Postgres 17 support, new I/O stats, and Pandas resampling for collected data.

Jimmy Angelakos

The Fastest Way to Copy Data Between Postgres Tables — Anthony compares several methods, both using native SQL and extensions. The spoiler is that pg_bulkload wins by quite a way, though with some tradeoffs.

Anthony Sotolongo

Find the Root Cause of Postgres Performance Problems — Slow queries making your application feel sluggish? Bloated tables causing unexpected I/O? Use pganalyze to deliver consistent database performance & availability through intelligent tuning advisors and in-depth monitoring.

pganalyze sponsor

ClickHouse Acquires PeerDB for Native Postgres CDC IntegrationPeerDB is a data replication tool built by former Microsoft and Citus Data employees for streaming data from Postgres to data warehouses, queues, and other storage engines. It seems data warehouse company ClickHouse has seen the strategic value in bringing such tech in-house.

Sai Srirampur

Designing a Prototype: Postgres Plan FreezingPlan freezing is the idea of saving a specific plan for a parameterized query so it can be reused again in future as-is. Andrei explains the technicalities of implementing his extension (which you can also try out) to do this.

Andrei Lepikhov


What to Know About Linux Memory Overcommit with Postgres — Linux’s overcommit feature can allow for more memory to be allocated than is actually available. This has benefits in some cases, but it’s bad news for Postgres.

Laurenz Albe

How to Keep a Postgres Community Alive — Fresh off the excitement of PG Day France, the author shares his thoughts on building up a local Postgres user group and running its meetings.

Florent Jardin

📰 Classifieds

Blacksmith runs GitHub Actions up to 2x faster at half the cost with a one-line change. Trusted by 100+ companies like GitBook and Slope.

Boost your PostgreSQL skills with Redgate’s 101 webinar series of easy-to-follow, expert hosted sessions. It’s PostgreSQL, simplified.

Graph Retrieval with Recursive CTEs — Postgres isn’t a ‘graph database’ but it can certainly handle graph related concepts.

Sheshbabu Chinnakonda

📄 The Basics of Connection Poolers Stefanie Janine Stölting

📄 Splitting and Merging Partitions in Postgres 17 pgDash

🛠 Code and Tools

  • QuestDB 8.1 – Java-powered time-series database with Postgres wire protocol compatibility. v8.1 can now read Parquet files.

  • Pongo 0.8 – A Postgres driver for Node.js that presents itself with a MongoDB-style API.

  • FerretDB 1.23 – A database that acts like MongoDB but uses Postgres for storage.

  • pgxmock 4.2 – Mock driver to test database interactions in Go.

  • Bytebase 2.22 – Database devops and CI/CD system for teams.

  • RisingWave 1.10 – Postgres-compatible streaming database.

  • pgAdmin 4 8.10 – Popular Postgres administation tool.