#​561 — July 3, 2024

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Postgres Weekly

PostgreSQL 17 Beta 2 Released — A month on from beta 1 comes the next step in the long journey to the final release of Postgres 17, expected this September or October. The draft release notes remain the best way to update yourself on what’s new.

PostgreSQL Global Development Group

Building and Scaling Notion’s Data LakeNotion is a popular Web-based note taking and wiki app and, therefore, has a lot of data under its control. Starting from a purely Postgres-based approach (which they wrote about scaling here), they’ve grown significantly and had to integrate with numerous other technologies in order to adopt a data lake approach.

Tie, Louie, Chow, et al. (Notion)

Optimize PostgreSQL: Essential Tuning Strategies — Discover proven PostgreSQL performance tuning strategies from Percona’s expert Support Engineers. Free eBook includes real-world examples and advice on query optimization, indexing, partitioning, schema design, and more. Get your copy now.

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Looking at the New Built-in Collation Provider in Postgres 17 — There’s a built-in UTF-8 locale and collation provider with binary string comparisons in the Postgres 17 beta. Here’s why it’s interesting, how to use it and how it performs.

Daniel Vérité

PGExtensions: A Comparison of Extension Support Across Clouds — Getting extensions running on your own Postgres server is one thing, but when it comes to using hosted Postgres services or cloud providers, you’re often restricted to what the provider has made available.

DataCloudGaze Consulting


📄 Supporting Postgres Named Prepared Statements in Hyperdrive – Hyperdrive is Cloudflare’s globally distributed SQL connection pooler and cache. Andrew Repp (Cloudflare)

📄 Ensuring Safe Data Modifications with SELECT FOR UPDATE Semab Tariq

📄 Using Transaction Chaining to Reduce Server Round-Trips Christoph Schiessl

📄 Kubernetes Just Turned Ten: Where Does Postgres Stand? Gabriele Bartolini

📄 Using Short Lived Postgres Servers for Testing Robin Kåveland

📄 ORMs in Production Postgres: Friend or Foe? Timescale

🛠 Code and Tools

Psycopg 3.2 Released — Psycopg is the most popular Postgres adapter for Python. (As an aside, we interviewed Psycopg’s creator in issue 390 – three years ago! – when he had begun work on Psycopg 3.)

Daniele Varrazzo

pg_dirtyread: Read Dead But Unvacuumed Tuples from a Relation — So if a row has been deleted, say, you could potentially still read it.

Christoph Berg

pg_back 2.4: A Simple, Thorough Backup Tool for Postgres — A Go-powered tool for dumping your databases to files, including roles, server parameters, and more, in the format of your choice.

Nicolas Thauvin