#​521 — September 13, 2023

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Postgres Weekly

Explaining the Postgres 'Iceberg Meme' — ‘Iceberg tiers’ is a common image meme format used to show off increasing levels of ‘deep knowledge’ about specific topics and Postgres got one of its own last year. This post is a neat walk through the iceberg's concepts going from basic ideas above the water to more arcane things (like the infamous ‘allballs’) in the 'depths.' There’s a lot to both learn and be entertained by here.

Aryan Ebrahimpour

▶️ Back in 2022, Jordan Lewis, director of engineering at Cockroach Labs, made a video walking through the iceberg too – if you've got a few hours to spare!

pgJQ: Now You Can Use jq in Postgresjq is a popular (and powerful) way to slice, filter, and transform JSON and this extension brings it, and its associated language, into Postgres in a way that works seamlessly alongside standard JSONB functions and operators.

Florents Tselai

Postgres Scaling, in Minutes — PolyScale.ai is a high performance Data Delivery Network that accelerates databases. Using smart caching, it improves query performance, lowers latency and makes data access and scale engineering a breeze, both on premise and at the edge.

PolyScale.ai sponsor

Why People Care About PostGIS and Postgres — The latest episode of the Path to Citus Con podcast tackled the huge topic of one of Postgres’s largest and most popular extensions: PostGIS. Paul Ramsey and Regina Obe joined Claire Giordano and Pino de Candia went deep on all things spatial and geographical (when it comes to Postgres, at least). There’s a written transcript if you prefer.

Carol Smith (Microsoft)

Who's 'In Charge' of Postgres? — Bruce tries to answer a question many folks have when encountering Postgres – who’s in control? It’s ultimately no specific group, with committers, core team members, the security team, various committees, and others all having a role. “So, who is in charge? You are, and everyone else in the community,” Bruce suggests.

Bruce Momjian


Monitoring Postgres Replication — Replication helps your database become more resilient, but there can be a cost in the form of complexity, with things like replication lag to keep an eye on.

Hans-Jürgen Schönig

When to Consider Partitioning in Postgres — Table partitioning can be a powerful tool for scaling a database, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Soto and Blackwood-Sewell (Timescale)

Understanding Partitioning and Sharding in Postgres and Citus — A partitioning vs. sharding post exploring the benefits of partitioning and sharding with Citus in particular.

Claire Giordano

Watch 5 Mins of Postgres: Weekly Postgres Videos by pganalyze

pganalyze sponsor

We Used to Store Files as Base64 Strings in Postgres.. Not Anymore — Just because you can, doesn’t necessarily mean you should.

Paul Oms (MailPace)

Random Geometry Generation with PostGIS — Why? Why not?
Paul Ramsey

Postgres Load Balancing Made Easy: A Dive into pgpool
Tristen Raab

Code and Tools

temBoard 8.1: A Postgres Remote Control/Dashboard — A Python-built Web dashboard and monitoring system for Postgres. You install an agent on the servers in question and the temBoard webapp runs wherever you like.


pgexporter 0.4: Prometheus Exporter for Postgres — Now with support for Postgres 10 thru 16 and new docs for the Grafana integration. There’s also a getting started guide.

Red Hat