Postgres Weekly |
Issue 3 March 27, 2013
Batch Update |
SQL is much better at handling many rows in a single statement than handling single rows across many statements. Dmitri Fontaine of 2nd Quadrant France shows how to take better advantage of batch updates within Postgres.
Scaling PostgreSQL at Braintree: Four Years of Evolution |
Braintree has run a variety of data stores over the year including Riak, MongoDB, MySQL, and others. They highlight here their four year journey with Postgres which includes sharding their data and now running an automated failover setup.
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The rest for this week
PostgreSQL, Python, and Squid |
In his talk from PyPgDay Christophe Pettus of PG Experts shows the flexibility of Postgres with custom datatypes. In this example he creates a custom squid datatype using Python inside Postgres.
Autoupdating Full Text Search in Ruby |
Postgres' Full Text Search is powerful and directly built-in. This simple migration for Ruby creates a trigger to automatically update your index, and the same principle could be applied in any language.
Sharding with the Django ORM |
Sharding, the process of horizontally partitioning rows of a table across multiple DB instances, is a point that so many applications hope to reach. This post along with slides from PyPgDay and an example application do a great job covering how Disqus has implemented this.