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@begriffs begriffs released this 20 Jan 08:32


  • Allow test database to be on another host - @dsimunic
  • Prefer: params=single-object to treat payload as single json argument in RPC - @dsimunic
  • Ability to generate an OpenAPI spec - @mainx07, @hudayou, @ruslantalpa, @begriffs
  • Ability to generate an OpenAPI spec behind a proxy - @hudayou
  • Ability to set addresses to listen on - @hudayou
  • Filtering, shaping and embedding with &select for the /rpc path - @ruslantalpa
  • Output names of used-defined types (instead of 'USER-DEFINED') - @martingms
  • Implement support for singular representation responses for POST/PATCH requests - @ehamberg
  • Include RPC endpoints in OpenAPI output - @begriffs, @LogvinovLeon
  • Custom request validation with --pre-request argument - @begriffs
  • Ability to order by jsonb keys - @steve-chavez
  • Ability to specify offset for a deeper level - @ruslantalpa
  • Ability to use binary base64 encoded secrets - @TrevorBasinger


  • Do not apply limit to parent items - @ruslantalpa
  • Fix bug in relation detection when selecting parents two levels up by using the name of the FK - @ruslantalpa
  • Customize content negotiation per route - @begriffs
  • Allow using nulls order without explicit order direction - @steve-chavez
  • Fatal error on postgres unsupported version, format supported version in error message - @steve-chavez
  • Prevent database memory cosumption by prepared statements caches - @ruslantalpa
  • Use specific columns in the RETURNING section - @ruslantalpa
  • Fix columns alias for RETURNING - @steve-chavez


  • Replace Prefer: plurality=singular with Accept: application/vnd.pgrst.object - @begriffs
  • Standardize arrays in responses for Prefer: return=representation - @begriffs
  • Calling unknown RPC gives 404, not 400 - @begriffs
  • Use HTTP 400 for raise_exception - @begriffs
  • Remove non-OpenAPI schema description - @begriffs
  • Use comma rather than semicolon to separate Prefer header values - @begriffs
  • Omit total query count by default - @begriffs
  • No more reserved jwt_claims return type - @begriffs
  • HTTP 401 rather than 400 for expired JWT - @begriffs
  • Remove default JWT secret - @begriffs
  • Use GUC rather than - @begriffs
  • Use config file rather than command line arguments - @begriffs