Try PostgreSQL 9.5

The PostgreSQL project recently announced PostgreSQL 9.5 Alpha 1 with a bunch of cool new features.

I won’t list the features here, since that has already been well covered elsewhere:

What’s missing from all of these excellent summaries? How about a way of taking it for a spin without installing anything, all wrapped up in a big button!

Try It!

Using our browser based shell

  1. Sign up
  2. Click the Postgres button
  3. Select Postgres 9.5 and you’ll be presented with a psql session right in the browser.

Using the mktmpio CLI

  1. Sign up
  2. Download the mktmpio CLI
  3. Copy your auth token from your account profile
  4. Paste it into ~/.mktmpio.yml as token: TOKEN_HERE
  5. Run mktmpio postgres-9.5 and you’ll be dropped into a remote psql shell (no need to install psql!)

About mktmptio

Want more? The ability to try out new releases of database servers without installing anything is one of the reasons mktmpio was created. Want to try it out in the shell to try some new query type? Try the shell. Want to see how your app would behave with it? Launch an instance and copy the connection details into your DB config and run your test suite. We’re still working on documenting everything, but the node-mktmpio, and go-mktmpio client libraries are open source so you can use their source as examples or drop us a line at