#269 — August 15, 2018

Read on the Web

Postgres Weekly

The Cost of a JOIN — A ‘join’ is the combination of two sets of data (i.e. columns from two tables) and a very frequently performed operation in SQL queries - but how expensive are they? This post takes a practical look at what affects their performance in Postgres, and triggered quite a bit of discussion on Hacker News.

Brian Likes Postgres

Lots of Postgres Releases (10.5, 9.6.10, 11 Beta 3, and More) — Two types of release here. Firstly, 10.5, 9.6.10, 9.5.14, 9.4.19 and 9.3.24 have been released to fix some bugs and two security vulnerabilities. Second, 11 beta 3 is out fixing bugs found in beta 2.

PostgreSQL Global Development Group

2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL Conference 2018 - December 4 & 5 — Join us in Chicago to learn more about recent achievements & exciting future developments in PostgreSQL. On Dec. 4 you can participate in hands on training with experts covering: multi-master replication, performance tuning, & PostgreSQL security.

2ndQuadrant PostgreSQL Events sponsor

Fun with SQL: Common Table Expressions for More Readable Queries — Common table expressions are essentially views that exist within a given transaction block. They’re a powerful construct that allow you to build more readable queries with better separation of logic.

Craig Kerstiens

How to Convert a Postgres User to a Role

Dan Langille

Tuning Autovacuum in Postgres and Autovacuum Internals

Avinash Vallarapu

A Quick Example of a Postgres 'Rule'

Luca Ferrari

Top Resources for Postgres Perf Monitoring and Auditing — A collection of links to posts about Postgres performance and tools.


A Forthcoming PostgreSQL 12 Feature: Allow Multi-Inserts During COPY into a Partitioned Table


Webinar Aug 21: Performance Monitoring for PostgreSQL - Sign Up Today

Severalnines sponsor

Condenser: A Database Subsetting Tool for Postgres“Subsetting a database means to take a subset of its rows, across multiple tables, while still maintaining all of the constraints of the original database.”


PgBouncer 1.9.0 Released: The Lightweight Connection Pooler


PostGIS 2.5.0 Beta 2 Released — Designed to be used with Postgres 11 beta 3 which was just released.

PostGIS Developers


PostgresOpen 2018 Conference Schedule Released September 5-7 (San Francisco, CA)

PostgreSQL Day 2018 September 10 (Portland, Oregon) A day of presentations about PostgreSQL.

FOSDEM PGDay 2019 February 1 2019 (Brussels, Belgium) An extension to the regular PostgreSQL activities at FOSDEM.