#​571 — September 27, 2024

Web Version

🎉 Last week, we warned that this week's issue might be a little late in anticipation of the final release of Postgres 17. Well, it's here, so let's get to it :-)
Peter Cooper, your editor

Together with  PASS 24

Postgres Weekly

PostgreSQL 17 Released — The big one is here. It's the newest major version of Postgres, and it takes a bigger step forward than even v16. Some of what’s new:

💡 If you want the complete list of everything's that new, the release notes provide an incredibly thorough bulletpoint walkthrough.

Keynote Speakers Announced for PASS Data Community Summit 2024 — PASS Summit have just unveiled their keynote speakers for this year’s event (November, 4-8, 2024). Featuring keynotes from Microsoft, Redgate and a community expert, buy your 3-day ticket now before the next price bump.

PASS Data Community Summit sponsor

Playing with BOLT to Get a Faster PostgresBOLT is a tool from the LLVM project that optimizes binaries after they’re compiled by way of analyzing profiler data. Could it be used to speed up Postgres? Yes! But it’s complicated..

Tomas Vondra

Building an Image Search Engine on Postgrespgvector strikes again. The technique is simple: take images, create embeddings of them, then use the embeddings of other supplied images to find similar images based via a vector similarity search.

Adam Hendel (Tembo)


Generating a Few Secure, Random Bytes Without pgcryptorandom() gives you pseudo random numbers, but pgcrypto makes it possible to get much better randomness. If your server (perhaps a local one) isn’t built against OpenSSL, though, it won’t be available. Luckily, Brandur found an interesting alternative option.

Brandur Leach

Hierarchical Data Types in Postgreshierarchyid is a special type in SQL Server for representing positions within a hierarchy (such as a tree). You could do it with any integer column in Postgres, but if you want something more structured, ltree provides a more structured option.

Florent Jardin

When Postgres Indexing Went Wrong“TLDR: Be careful when creating indexes — a lesson I learned the hard way when concurrent indexing failed silently.”

Arjun Lall

📺 18 Months of pgvector Learnings in 47 Minutes Avthar Sewrathan (Timescale)

📄 Writing a Postgres Extension with Pgrx for Visual Query Plans David Gomes

📄 Transitioning from Oracle to Postgres: Understanding the Concept of 'Schema' Umair Shahid

📄 Taking Backups from a Standby Server with pgBackRest Stefan Fercot

📰 Classifieds

🐘 FINAL DAYS of the State of PostgreSQL survey! Make sure you’ve shared your thoughts and experience before September 30th.

💰 Dragonfly (25k GitHub stars) is a modern Redis replacement. Organizations that switch to Dragonfly can reduce infrastructure costs by 80%.

Blacksmith runs GitHub Actions up to 2x faster at half the cost with a one-line change. Trusted by 100+ companies like Ashby and Slope.

🛠 Code and Tools

pgMustard v5: Review Postgres Query Plans Quickly — A tool for helping review Postgres query plans, now with enhanced Postgres 17 support and new tip types for things like suboptimal JIT compilation and excessive trigger times. You only get five uses for free, though, as it’s ultimately a paid service.

Michael Christofides

PostGIS 3.5.0 Released — The latest release of the popular geospatial data indexing and querying extension landed hours before Postgres 17 final, so it still recommends RC1, but it should be good. Breaking changes are listed here.


libpg-query-node: Use Postgres' SQL Parser from Node.js — Use Postgres’s SQL parser at a low level from Node via libpg_query. If you want something higher level, this library is used by pgsql-parser which gives the ability to parse and serialize queries into/from ASTs.

Dan Lynch

  • River 0.12 – Fast and reliable Postgres-powered background jobs for Go.

  • Bytebase 2.23 – Database devops and CI/CD system for teams.

  • pgAdmin4 v8.12 – Popular admin platform / panel for Postgres.