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@eeeebbbbrrrr eeeebbbbrrrr released this 05 Sep 19:46
· 218 commits to develop since this release

This is the final release of v0.10.0. Thanks everyone for the beta testing, pull requests, issues, and patience.

As always, install cargo-pgrx with cargo install cargo-pgrx --locked and update your extension Cargo.toml files to use the 0.10.0 pgrx dependencies.

This release includes support for Postgres 16RC1. Support for the previous betas has been removed. As such, a fresh cargo pgrx init is required.

What's Changed Since v0.10.0-beta.4

New Contributors

Changelog: v0.10.0-beta.4...v0.10.0

v0.10.0's full set of changes throughout the entire beta period are:

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.8...v0.10.0