#394 — February 24, 2021

Web Version

Postgres Weekly

Approaches to Fuzzy Name Matching — Neither the data entry process or how people’s memories work is perfect, so sometimes it can be helpful if a system will return data that’s like what we’re searching for.. such as “Jim Harrington” for a search for “Jimmy Arrington.” This post looks at a few approaches Postgres offers for more “fuzzy” searching.

Paul Ramsey

Using Postgres to Do a Regex-Based Search Over 10,000 GitHub Repositories — Empirical measurements from experiments in using Postgres to index and search over 10,000 popular GitHub repositories using pg_trgm (trigram matching functions) on a 2019 MacBook Pro.

Stephen Gutekanst

Build Internal Apps (Faster) on Top of Postgres — Connect to Postgres (or anything with an API). Design your app with 50+ drag-and-drop React components. Write JavaScript anywhere.

Retool sponsor

Faster Data Migrations in Postgres — An exploration of things to consider when looking at different ways to speed up your database migrations.

Sai Srirampur

How to Create a Trigger — Triggers are often one of the first things you encounter if you move from using Postgres as a naive data store to a fully fledged database, and they make it possible for Postgres to respond to database related events in real time (ideal for auditing, updating external indexes, converting values, etc.)

Hans-Jürgen Schönig

Query Optimization with pg_stat_statementspg_stat_statements is a module that tracks planning and execution statistics for SQL queries to help you optimize them.

Kat Batuigas

An Interview with Takayuki Tsunakawa — The latest in the line of “PostgreSQL Person of the Week” interviews is with a developer who’s been working on Postgres for almost twenty years, leads the open source team at Fujitsu, and maintains the Postgres ecosystem wiki.

Andreas Scherbaum

Fauna - All the Goodness of Postgres, Without Operational Bottlenecks — Fauna combines the safety of Postgres with schema flexibility, modern capabilities and limitless scale. Learn more...

Fauna sponsor

Deep Postgres Thoughts: Resistance to Containers is Futile — A common ‘complaint’ about containers is how they’re not well suited for running database systems, but it’s a complicated and nuanced matter to navigate and one you should at least be aware of.

Joe Conway

🔧 Tools and Code

pgBadger 11.5 Released: A Fast Postgres Log Analyzer — Get info about queries, running time, server info, and more. 11.5 adds support for anonymization of numeric values for sensitive use cases, as well as more info about session idle time. They’re a bit out of date, but here’s an example of the sort of report it can generate.

Gilles Darold

TimescaleDB 2.1 Released — A popular time-series oriented database on top of Postgres. 2.1 adds Postgres 13 support.


Pgpool-II 4.2.2, 4.1.6, 4.0.13, 3.7.18 and 3.6.25 Now Officially Released

Pgpool Global Development Group