Postgres Weekly |
Issue 93 February 19, 2015
Don't adjust your set, we're a day late this week. Back to normal service next Wednesday :-) |
Inserting And Using A New Record In Postgres |
There’s a variety of cases where you may insert data and want to immediately take some action on it. There’s a few small tactics for working with this newly inserted data that can make your life much easier.
Rob Conery |
“Lateral joins can be incredibly useful when you need them, but it’s hard to grok their ‘shape’ without a concrete example.”
Paul A Jungwirth |
Introducing PostgreSQL Dashboard |
Being a personal fan of dashing (as we have several large screen TVs around our office with dashing powering them) this is particularly exciting to see a Postgres specific dashing application. Download it and monitor your PG database with ease.
Damien Clochard |
Visualize App Performance - From the Browser to the Database |
More than half of application performance bottlenecks originate in the database, but most application teams have little or no visibility into database performance. With AppDynamics Database Monitoring, you get 100% visibility into application performance.
AppDynamics Sponsored |
pgEdit 2.2 released |
If you’re a textmate user and want a better experience for working with Postgres here’s your solution, the pgEdit bundle makes working with Postgres 9.3 and earlier even more smooth.
pgEdit |
PostgreSQL, Aggregates and Histograms |
If you’re a hardcore CLI fan and never want to leave your terminal, then you should have fun geeking out on this - rendering SQL histograms right in psql.
Dimitri Fontaine |
Artisanal Stop Words |
If you’ve ever worked with full text search, or wanted to geek out on various algorithms for text this post goes further than your standard out of the box pieces, but all done quite simply in Postgres.
no0p |
Partitioning and constraints part 1 - UNIQUE |
Partitioning isn’t quite the black art it once was, but it’s not out a perfect out of the box experience and without issues. Here’s a post that walks you through the basics as well as one of the harder parts of the problem, handling your constraints with partitioning.
ioguix |