Postgres is packed with great datatypes, one of them that may not get quite as much attention as JSONB is the Array type. This post starts with the basics then digs into some more advanced uses and operators of it to make things more practical.
If you’re not familiar with concurrent indexing in Postgres, first off you should give them a look. Second, you should know they’re not without their issues which are walked through here.
Several European institutions have cited complex licences from their traditional proprietary suppliers as an important reason to deploy PostgreSQL instead.
Citus 5.2 is out which is an extension which makes it simple to shard your database, allowing you to scale out. The 5.2 release includes better ORM support, broader SQL coverage, and improved transactional semantics on a single shard.
An intro to indexes, what they are, how to create, as well as some more customized approaches. All of this with a focus on improving your apps performance.
Generating random data isn’t too hard, but generating a realistic sampling based on some weighting can be. This post walks you through how to do this in SQL, perfect for fake datasets.
With support for Postgres 9.5, Walbouncer is a standalone replication proxy, enabling selective replication by forwarding data only for specific databases/tablespaces to the connected replicas.