JSONB, or binary JSON, is the best improvement to come to Postgres in several years. Just as valuable are all the operators that come with it, here’s a rundown of them.
Datadog natively collects hundreds of Postgres metrics: system resources, connections, locks, transactions, indexes, and more. Pre-built, fully customizable visualizations, alerts, and full-stack performance correlation. 14 day unlimited trial.
Hyperloglog is a very interesting algorithm and you can have an extremely efficient version directly in Postgres. And if you’re not up for building and pulling in your own extensions here’s a raw SQL implementation of it.
Common table expressions or more commonly known as WITH clauses are very useful in Postgres. Not only can you do recursive queries, they also make simpler queries more readable.
Vacuum and Autovacuum have gotten much better over the years in Postgres, but their behavior can be misunderstood. Here’s an up to date slidedeck that walks you through the ins and outs.
Companies are looking to hire someone with your skillset. Stop applying and let companies come to you with offers, which include salary and other benefit information upfront.